Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mac users can be very strange

This documentary is funny, strange, historical, cult-like, and bizzare. It tracks the strange cult behavior that emerged and survived decades from the birth of Mac computers. Some people are way too into their computers don't ya think?

Robby Ortiz
Peer Advisor


JParke32 said...

No link? :(

Banshee said...

Oh my god. I seriously HATE people who are obsessed with Macs; I'm sure they work like a charm, but they think Macs are perfection in its physical form. That annoys me, I have met quite a few students around campus that act like that.

robby said...

the link should come up when you slick the title of the posting

Pegasus said...

I have a Macbook Air and in no way do I show an obsession with it. I do, however, love all the features it contains, but I don't care to show it off. People know what Macs are and what it's capable of. Shouldn't that be enough?

Chimera (Megan) said...

I have a Macbook Pro, but I definitely love my PC. They're completely different in the ways that they work and it depends on personal preference as to which one you'll enjoy using more. Also, while it's true that macs get relatively few viruses, you shouldn't get viruses on a pc if you actually know your basics. I just thought I'd throw that in there. I'm Chimera, and I'm both a mac and a pc.