Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Name the New Laptops

Name the New Laptops Conest! The UHP just lucked out and acquired 4 new mini-laptops for our classrooms, but they need names. Our current laptops are Micaelangelo, Leonard, Donatello & Raphael, while our wifi routers are Jubilee, Rogue & Storm. Make your entry here or on facebook. Anyone can play. Be creative. An independent panel will vote on 7/31. Happy naming and good luck!

1 comment:

Jana said...

I have many:

First, any of the following to make a group of four-
Angelou, Cummings, Poe, Eliot, Frost, Hughes, Thoreau, Witman


Ringo, Paul, George, and John

Peter, Rayn, Egon, Winston (Ghostbusters)

Dorothy, Rose, Blanche, Sophia
(Golden Girls)

Naming is fun!